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The Potter's Tails : Cheap Mans kiln.

i get asked a fair bit how to fire pottery on the very cheap. and the answer always is with a pit type fire. so heres how we build a kiln.
First we need a square hole about 1.5 - 2ft deep. we line this pit with bricks and cap the top with a paving slab. thats it you have a kiln that can reach temps of around 900 degrees or more. so make your pots and let them dry for a couple weeks. then using sawdust we layer some i the bottom of kiln and place pot on top, then cover with more sawdust and pots until its nearly full. we make a small fire and light it, once the sawdust starts to fire up and burn, we slip the cap stone over the kiln top. we leave this for around 16hrs to cook. when opened you should have bisque ware pottery. use some melted wax to seal the pots external facing and buff with a cloth. chalk can be used as decoration before you fire your pots to give designs etc etc

* veronee's Blog

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