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Liar, liar.

She was an accomplished liar, truly she was. Roaming the streets of her hometown in order to practice the art. But as these things go she eventually started to believe herself, becoming careless. So people acted wary, nodding their heads in agreement while plotting escape. Now obliged to lie themselves, mostly about having to take their dogs for a walk, or expecting the reverend for tea, things like that.

Thus she eventually ran out of people to lie to.

Then she discovered the net. And now had zillions of people to lie to.

However, people on there get seriously bored, quick. So she had to invent more lies, better lies, serious lies, snowballing her way through the chatrooms. Her pretty face an asset of course, like her intelligence. Fluttering in cyberspace, fishing for compliments, telling various guys in private what fine specimens they were: an emotional con artist.

Now, guys being what they are said guys suspiciously glared at one another, ready to raze Troy yet again in order to save her non-existent honor. Little realizing at the time that like that French princess, Catherine, whom Henry the 5th married, she was not wearing any knickers. Not that they would have sexted her, of course, for they held her in too high esteem.

Then, unexplicably her profile went static...

News of her demise took a long time to seep through the cracks of fiction on the net. Though eventually, what could be established as fact was the following: At her funeral the local cops had to apply crowd control. For, even in death nobody was willing to believe anything regarding her. And when some obscure relative asked the reverend whether she will end up in heaven or hell the latter wanly smiled, replying: Why, in heaven of course, brother Thomas.

Shaking his head in disbelief brother Thomas now bluntly enquired: Reverend, how do you work that one out?

Sagely the man of God declared: Brother, she has been lying so often for so long that surely, somewhere along the line she must have spoken the truth by accident.

* badbrad's Blog

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