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badbrad » Blog [5]
badbrad January 2018
Nobody knew how the elephant found its way to number 20 Salinas drive, new York. Yet, there it was. And every morning she rode it to Central Park, lik
badbrad January 2018
Thin body like the other Violetta. Not the neighbour, the one in La Traviata. Being 80 I was mostly parked in the brittle sun, trying to stay warm, ho
badbrad January 2018
5 dead soldiers standing in a row. Proudly. displaying their Coors red and white. Thats what dad used to call it when you line up your empties. And on
badbrad January 2018
She begged him, oh she begged him. When he pinned her front against that alley wall she begged him not to damage her violin. Tenderly laying d
badbrad January 2018
She was an accomplished liar, truly she was. Roaming the streets of her hometown in order to practice the art. But as these things go she eventually s

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