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Wither And Die

I remember a time where demons walked amongst us, feeding off our emotions, plaguing our minds with negativity. Their influence guiding us to slaughter each other, giving them even more power over our misguided actions and hearts. We couldn't notice their presence as our mortal eyes where to primitive but a time came when a child was born from our pain and depression, his senses higher and stronger than our own thus giving him the ability to see and interact with the demons of our nightmares. the inner sight drove him insane, leading to his enslavement. The demons cautious of his advancement and concerned that his gift would spread, they sought to blind him. Legions of demons set out to his destruction, mighty and weak alike. Blood spilled, green grass turned red, the sky a purple haze, the war waged on, the prophet unable to be sacrificed, the demons concentrated their power and might into one being. As the demonic races power drained, everyday humans began to see things that their mortal eyes where not meant to see. Woman, children and men began to join the evil and their bodies changed. Skin darkened and claws replaced fingers, hair turned to fire and slits appeared in odd places. Puss oozed instead of flowing blood, ritual slaughterings where practiced on the unconverted. Soon the rivers where either canals of corpses or raging blood pools. The world changed, everything worshiping death and pain. With no hope insight, the chosen one departed from the world, leaving it to its own demise. Impurity reigned and hate gutted humanity. Insanity sought an underhanded scheme to dethrone mortality and as the last of humanity bled into an eternal nightmare of demonic kinship and world ended. Innocence fled and love molested to perverted disgust, man became so perverted that the demons cringed at its creation, unable to control it. Blackness consumed everything, no light of hope shined, the world withered and died for eternity

* hatecrew's Blog

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