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Ok so I need some advice as I cannot stop thinking about this girl. I met a girl I had been texting this night last week. Things went well, we chatted and got on pretty well and she was sweet.. I didn't kiss her. I know I should have made a move, I didn't and I regret it a lot. I chatted with her and her mates until 4am and when I got home I semi drunkenly text her to say It was great to meet you but I fked it up*.. I've not been very smooth so far, I know. She text me to say she was glad I got home ok and why on earth would I say that the next evening again to see if I was ok. We texted back and forth the next evening then nothing from her. I can't stop thinking about her and I can't get rid of this feeling of regret.. Like I've messed it up properly. Should I text her? Should I give her time? What should I do? Thanks a lot in advance!
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