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...Disney and Lucasfilm have made a decision to put all spin off star wars movies on hold.

apparently two films in pre production, the Obi Won film and the Boba Fett movie, have had worked stopped on them.

myself I didn't even feel any need to go and see Solo, and that's before all the production trouble rumours started to surface. it just felt so unneeded to me.
I did enjoy Rogue One though, actually out of all the Disney tenure films it's the one I liked most. I thought FA was kinda stupid trying to play it safe and TLJ... well, Rian Jonson made a dull movie that just pissed on what went before it.

we'll still be getting episode IX on schedule as planned, but future new trilogies are in doubt too. animated and live action TV shows will be going ahead unaffected.
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