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1 March


Have had enough of your trolling and interferance now you asian a**hole, now fk off and bother somebody else or i will report you and get you banned from the site.3:32

5 May


have had quite enough of you now, i know that its just for fun, and we are writing the story just for fun, and some of it is supposed to be serious, but you are spoiling it for everyone else, several other people who use the forums have told me, so if you do not like or enjoy what is written THEN KEEP THE fk OUT WITH YOUR SO CALLED HUMOUR! You are as unfunny as cancer, so b*tt out,this is your final warning, next time you will be reported, and a ban with your account deleted permanantly. You would not be the first one.3:29


Why so serious? No one is replying it's your saga ! Sometimes someone has to reply

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