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Or a good excuse? U might've read a topic of mine where I was checking out the a*se of an unknown sister I have. Well I've got another who I'm in contact with frequently.

That photo of me as a baby is from her, given to her by our dad. Told her never to lose it. She's been telling me that he always talks about me - I'm not sure what about but I'm his only son n firstborn.

To me he's a stranger, merely a sperm donor. I'm 37 now, I've never known the guy. Mum did a good job of bringing me up, I'm alright with that.

Well he's got his own building business (bricky) The company I work for seems like it's had its day. There's no overtime or fk all, wages are s**t. I'm not work-shy, proper grafter me. My sister is telling me I should go work with 'dad' at weekends, learn a new trade.

I'm all for it earning more money, just don't want to seem like it's the only reason I'm bonding. Although it's a good way of breaking the ice after all these years I suppose?

What do u think?
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