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A jokey advertising sign for a restaurant has been removed after a local resident described it as 'offensive'.

It asked motorists to 'yield for Sneakers [Bistro] Bacon' but the female complainant, speaking on a community forum, described it as insensitive to her as she did not consume pig meat due to religious reasons.

The sign was part of a Vermont towns 'Operation Bloom' where companies sponsor the upkeep of flowerbeds in return for a little public advertising.

Sneakers Bistro in Winooski City spoke to WPTZ explaining they have tried to get in contact with the woman and took the sign down on on their own steam.

Some Winooski residents have raised concern over the restaurants self censorship such as Caleb Wiley saying: 'Its nice that they were respectful enough to take it down, but I also think they shouldnt have, or had to at any right.'
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