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My Dad has been battling cancer for 3 years, had 2 lung ops which were a success, gave him a break n the all clear up until last year told him hes covered in lymph nodes n the cancer has spread to his chest wall, after being told there was nothing else that could be done for him, they gave him the options to try radiation n chemo, obviously he jumped at the chance as hes a true warrior.. he just phoned me to say that his first treatment of radiation has worked on the biggest lump on his back, its reduced in size.. that's a positive sign right? Hes never gonnae be cured but is this his chance of getting more time with us? Hes the bravest man I know n still puts others before himself even when hes in severe pain , he said the treatment wasnt painful but hes sore after it n on morphine..hes obviously still in shielding n I'm missing him terribly.. it's been months since I've been able to visit him.. I hope n pray hes getting another chance ... what's the best news u lot have had recently?
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