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Fine, one s**tty new topic is better than none. Moving the forum along.

So, anyone celebrating their love this year?
Yeah, blah- save the lecture about love is more than just one day, yada yada. That's not what the fk I asked. Thanks kindly.

Anything special planned for you lovebirds?or anything spontaneous that is about to blow your lover away?

And for them single people who have their eye on someone, are you going to make it known? Fall deeply in love and live happily ever after?

And for those unrivaled in love, or broken hearted- will this rather romantic day affect you at all? Hey, (hugs) to you.

Lastly, for all the pathetic people will moan about how it's not worth it and they'd rather be single, because some one broke your heart 20 years ago or you get overlooked- go do what you what you have been doing. I.e fk yourselves. Lover.gif

Me, I dunno- I'll probably just have a nice dinner and way too much wine. Kinda typical really.[
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