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Dear Admin sir,

Hope you are well.

It's been 5 days since my first letter to you about the cool new feature called pop-alerts. I believe you had earlier sent a reply to my inbox, but I would like to use this opportunity to let you know that I did not receive it.. probably due to network issues. Please kindly resend your reply sir. Thanks.

The purpose of my second letter to you is not to name and shame jayna as the mastermind behind hundreds of accounts on this forum. No. The purpose of this letter is to suggest another cool new feature which would help dilute the toxic atmosphere around here.

Introducing... Member Of the Month (or MOM for short).

When a forumer is voted as member of the month, their photo gets displayed at the top of the site for a whole month, along with a gold star, and maybe get a few quid. This will discourage all the bullying, and foster good behaviour and harmony amongst prodiggers.

This feature will also be an avenue to appreciate the good works of highly influential members like us and encourage the new guys to follow in our footsteps.

Looking forward to hearing from you sir... and if my request is approved, I hereby nominate Philwin as the MOM of April.

Still sincerely yours,
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