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For those who dont know ''Incel'' is a group of young men who cant get laid. It stands for Involuntary celebate. There seems to be a whole generation of men who will always be a virgin, and never have punani. Up untill a few months ago id never heard of it. So after a quick google (other search engines are available)

There are forums, and bullitin boards where these ppl go to moan about not getting any. Theres also a multi million quid.gif porn industry specially for ''Incels'' .

Surely this is a 21 century thing is it not ? I mean befor the invention of the internet you wouldnt find magazines on the top shelf of news agents about it ! you wouldnt see ads in the sunday sport offering vhs videos of a pretty girl telling them there never gonna get some punani, and to give them all their money !

When i was younger there were times i didnt get my leg over for a month or 2 i never considered this to be ''Incel'' it was just a dry patch. Persistence and lowering my standards would usually sort the problem

It puzzles me why these ppl dont just visit a ho and not be ''Incel'' seems the logical thing to do dunno.gif
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