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The Seven Deadly Sins

1. Envy: Leviathan: An enormous demon of darkness and chaos; associated with the sea; inspires arrogance and envy. From Hebrew Livyathan, Livyatan.

2. Gluttony: Beelzebub: The prince of demons; the lord of the flies; inspires gluttony, unholy desire, jealousy, war, and murder. From Hebrew Ba'al-Z'bub, Ba'al-Z'bul.

3. Greed: Mammon: Demon of wealth; son of the Devil; inspires gross injustice, idolatry, and the love of money over all other things. From Late Latin Mammon, from Greek Mammonas, from Aramaic Mamona.

4. Lust: Asmodeus: Demon of wrath; prince of demons; the father of monsters; inspires gambling, deceit, lust, and revenge. From Avestan Aesma-daeva.

5. Pride: Lucifer: A great angel cast into Hell; also known as the light bringer, the bearer of light, and the morning star; inspires pride and rebellion. From Latin Lucifer.

6. Sloth: Belphegor: Demon of indifference; inspires extreme laziness and spiritual apathy. From Hebrew Baal-Peor, Bel-Phegor.

7. Wrath: Satan: An angel expelled from heaven; evil personified; the great adversary; inspires mankind to turn away from God; inspires mortal sins. From Greek Satanas, from Hebrew n.
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