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f15e »

* Topics:
f15e October 2009
(new) Car chases [22]
I know they are fake and its stunt drivers but what movie got the best car chase or races 4 u. I like the Transporter Audi vs Merc one. Nice add 4 bot

* Replies:
f15e October 2009
Plus with 15 you must start thinking about a cap. Do u live in sa
f15e October 2009
If you goin put in 1 15 3000w a waste. Because what bout your other speakers. Do you have a seperate amp 4 it? Remember 1000rms you gonna hit upgrade
f15e October 2009
Got to be vw from Herbie passat citi cti jumbo cls clx the list goes on. But they all hav one thing in common they blood doors is the first that break
f15e October 2009
In monaco they realy ignore you if you drive a audi or bmw. They say its cheap. To enter one of those hotels you need a expensive machine
f15e October 2009
This could be a come back for ferrari. Schumi pulls up at a hotel in monaco with a rs8 where he gets ignored by the guys who parks em cars and here co

* Favourites:
f15e October 2009
(new) Car chases [22]
I know they are fake and its stunt drivers but what movie got the best car chase or races 4 u. I like the Transporter Audi vs Merc one. Nice add 4 bot

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