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est1978x »

* Topics:
est1978x June 2011
(new) Official Fruit Ninja's post... (8)
a post to discuss this amazing game or post scores tea
est1978x May 2011
(new) Higher...Lower [58]
Dont know where my total unbiast and inoffensive warning post got to?...Anyway thought i'd be more random here and ask which console/ gaming computer
est1978x May 2011
(new) wii 2.... (0)
just noticed the checklist from what the guys from msn want out of the new wii...pulse controls? chin
est1978x April 2011
(new) film/T.V show spin off... [36]
games. after all the games made into films spin offs been dodgy. what films would make a decent game or T.V show?...was thinkin GTA Jim McDonald. runn
est1978x March 2011
(new) pick a prodigits game user.. [39]
now pick a game that matches them personality wise chin

* Replies:
est1978x June 2011
New Zealand? comon! what have they got against sheep chin lol
est1978x June 2011
no winners and losers really, it whats to be expected on 6 year old machines at E3, tho havent peaked i dont think sony and ms would invest that heavy
est1978x June 2011
i saw the 3Ds testing unit in argos the other sat, didnt want to risk trying it coz it was near the tv shelf one side and china ware the other side, k
est1978x June 2011
more crisp then the walkers factory eh hyper . just hope the storyline and character script mat
est1978x June 2011
that nephew isnt havin one...the who albums would be scratched to ell tsk! music

* Favourites:
j.s.1983 October 2011
(new) PSOne Classics [91]
What would we love to see, to be able to be downloaded on our PSPs or PS3s? I want Alundra (in the UK) and the PS1 GT games.

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