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imblunt »

* Topics:
imblunt June 2008
(new) Coming to SA! (6)
The iPhone will be released in South Africa, India and a few other countries later this year thanks to a deal Vodafone have signed with Apple. Finally
imblunt February 2008
(new) Apple s hafting Us (10)
Good old Apple is s hafting South Africa again. We have over 90 mobile penetration, so there is a market here...but do we get the iPhone? No. I know o

* Replies:
imblunt October 2008
Everyone who pre-ordered it got that. Apparently its just to act as a reassurance to the fact that you will get it eventually and must not open contra
imblunt July 2008
Well considering we're in the effing iPhone forum one would think it's logical people who care would be in here. And for the record, I'm one of them.
imblunt July 2008
Officially the lamest excuse for a comeback ever roflmao if you cant back up the rubbish you
imblunt July 2008
They aren't allowed to sell it for over 199 dollars, I don't see why people don't understand that. Apple strictly forbid it. Vodacom had to agree to
imblunt July 2008
*at most cost R2000 pay-in on a weekender and probably be free on business contracts.

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