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newtronx »
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* Topics:
newtronx 2020
(new) New Santa Claus for Christmas!!! [21]
If Santa allowed his Great grand children to take over Christmas...what would they do differently?

* Replies:
newtronx 2020
newtronx 2020
Lol...internet shopping would be a must... And also they would likely have all social media platforms... And listen to
newtronx 2020
Gifts would probably be deliverered through a Santa Currier service, there would be phone surveilance network for the naughty or nice department
newtronx 2020
They would probably open other branches of the North pole. And have an east pole in china, a west pole in the USA and a South Pole in Australia
newtronx 2020
Lol, very funny...dont think they would risk the family Business like that

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