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hareign »

* Topics:
hareign August 2010
(new) Black Berry!! (4)
I've been reading up on blackberry/RIM and just wanted to ask this little question? Blackberry OS underneath its really java right and lots of phone u
hareign July 2010
(new) Blackberry pearl 812 (2)
Ok i'm kinda doing some work, not permanent but all the same im working not the less. I'm thinking of getting the blackberry pearl 8120 and all im ask
hareign June 2010
(new) Top 5 OS [45]
So LiMo is coming back with 3 phones this year..n they say only 5 OS can survive this battle they are.. The revived symbian lol doesnt seem so revived
hareign April 2009
(new) Simply? [44]
Does a WM phone have ne online gamin app/community hmm..(wat shud i say) oh! s60 has ngage ne ting like dat for WM devices

* Replies:
hareign August 2010
Oh and game wise the bbs aren't that much fun, emulators in java are very rare but there's always Meboy lol too bad you have to go through alot of s**
hareign August 2010
Hey don't make the bb sound that bad its a genuine phone and if you had a good quality one you would know/say something else. The bold looks good trus
hareign August 2010
Good for you but you do know that blackberry apps can run on a phone using java, so i'm saying does it make sense to have a bb device from just buying
hareign August 2010
*I've played around with some nonsmart-sonyericson* correction
hareign August 2010
any reprogramming of the same apps across the java platform thus any JVM can run java. So my conclusion is what is it that makes the Blackberrys such

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