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British doctors say they have achieved mind-blowing results in an attempt to rid people of haemophilia A.

Patients are born with a genetic defect that means they do not produce a protein needed to stop bleeding.

Thirteen patients given the gene therapy at Barts Health NHS Trust are now off treatment with 11 producing near-normal levels of the protein.

Jake Omer, 29 from Billericay, Essex, was on the trial and says he feels like he has a new body.

Like 2,000 other people in the UK, his body could not make clotting factor VIII.

A minor injury used to cause severe bleeding. He remembers losing two front teeth as a child and bleeding for days afterwards.

Even the impact of walking would lead to bleeding in his joints and eventually cause arthritis.
Jake has needed at least three injections of factor VIII a week for most of his life.
But in February 2016, he had a single infusion of gene therapy
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