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the future looks bad. seeing how the government seems to be set on keeping all the state owned enterprises running to save a few thousand jobs at the cost of billions...

currently in France there's protests at a plan for raising taxes, this isn't just about the latest increases but goes back to the financial collapse in 2008, monies paid to prop up businesses and banks, which meant austerity measures had to be put in place to cover for the bailouts.

ok, I'm not precise on the number of jobs involved, but let's say SAA employs 20000 people, considering that they've been repeatedly bailed out for billions (I daresay up to 50 billion by now...)

that means everyone who works there could have been made a multi millionaire to make up for job losses and not required more money to be continually pumped into a failing business...

factor in bailing them out for the next few years and there's a high chance the GDP to debit ratio will be a mess, the currency will be downgraded below investment and millions of people people will be stuck with austerity measures affecting service delivery, education, medical, etc...

and all this to save a few jobs. I say a few because compared to the millions of people who will suffer possibly for two or more generations, does this actually make sense?
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