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British-born Sikh couple told they couldn't adopt a white child due to their Indian heritage sue council for discrimination in landmark case

Sandeep and Reena Mander applied to adopt a child in Berkshire in 2015
The couple said they were happy to welcome a child of any race into their home
The British-born couple told authorities that their parents had been born in India
Authorities in Berkshire said they did not have any Indian children for the couple

A British couple who were told they 'couldn't adopt a white child' due to their Indian heritage, took their case to a county court judge today by suing their local Royal Borough council and its adoption service in a landmark case.

British-born Sandeep and Reena Mander were told by their local Berkshire adoption service that their application to join the register of approved adopters would be rejected due to their 'Indian background' and that they might have better luck looking to adopt a child from India.

The Manders - who are aged in their 30s - began the four-day court battle against the adoption service today with the backing of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

I hope they win and set a precedent.
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