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* Topics:
shifty October 2018
(new) Pro users celeb doubles [437]
Which celebs or tv characters remind you of pro users. The pw will not be held liable for any offence or slander caused . .
shifty November 2017
(new) Fashion disasters [89]
Upon reflection of your dress sense, have you had any fashion disasters over the years? What were they? I regularly got hand me down clothes from my c
shifty October 2017
(new) Fight or flight [20]
Ever had a fight or flight experience? What happened to give you one and how did you respond . .
shifty September 2016
(new) A clown takes a prat fall . . (8)
Anyone seen this YouTube video 'A clown takes a prat fall' ? Road rage incident between a car driver and cyclist. . 10 out of 10 for the somersault
shifty August 2016
(new) Are you sexy and you know it? . . [68]
Lets be honest . . are you sexy and you know it?? . .

* Replies:

* Favourites:
dan27notts August 2023
bandalot March 2017
(new) Scottish independance [57]
If scotland got independance it would be a night mare for northen england all then dodgy europeans would hop accross the border .
eyesore March 2016
(new) 1933 [217]
in 1933 would you have voted for hitler
miaiad March 2016
(new) Global Teacher Prize [36]
A Palestinian primary school teacher who grew up in a refugee camp and educates her students about non-violence won a 1 million prize for teaching exc
wozzak March 2016
(new) The pro files (10)
A weird thing has happened in pro city, a witness said he woke up looked out of the window and he seen something horrible which he could not explain,

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