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madam.x »

* Topics:
madam.x 2016
(new) Your CD collection [115]
Assuming you have/had one.. Is it outdated now, what with things like Spotify etc? Would you get rid of them all, keep some, or keep the lot? I've
madam.x February 2015
(new) tracking device [36]
So, I was reading a magazine today and saw an article about a husband who's put spyware on his wife's phone. She hasn't got a problem with it, as he i
madam.x February 2015
(new) Gastroscopy [55]
I think that's what it's called. Anyway, its a camera down the throat. Has anyone had it done, or is it everyone but me who's had one? Would be
madam.x January 2015
(new) Female genital mutilation in the UK [199]
There's a programme on now, if anyone is interested. Just heard a tiny little girl screaming in agony whilst this was done to her..
madam.x January 2015
(new) Online shopping [28]
Any mishaps in ordering, or unexpected things turning up?I'm only asking cos I wanted to tell my little tale of ordering a 'shark steam mop' from argo

* Replies:
madam.x June 2015
I wouldn't allow someone to push their way into something I'd planned with my kids, particularly if there are issues about who pays what. Sod him,
madam.x September 2015
Wonder if I can make it there and back without the inevitable happening..
madam.x September 2015
Balls!! No milk.
madam.x September 2015
madam.x June 2015
They could bring out a 'silly thing' one. Quite apt when you're overspending.

* Favourites:
notsabad September 2014
(new) Invasion... [21]
Is anybody else concerned about all the 'hot singles in your area?'....

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