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+ New Topic
birdy 1 hour 44 minutes
(new) What are you listening to? pinned [14009]
New one, for speed's sake. Go! music.gif
mikeymk 2 hours 50 minutes
(new) Word Association 6.6 pinned [16314]
Other one's useless, so...
1clivey1 3 hours 53 minutes
f4bri0t 7 hours 30 minutes
(new) Chicken curry [12]
Tasty food eating.gif. What about you?
1clivey1 11 hours 10 minutes
(new) Thoughts18 pinned [7378]
Old one done so here we go
afridi101 11 hours 19 minutes
With the help of Great Great Friend China Pakistan Launched it's Moon Mission iCUBE QAMAR on Friday!!
f4bri0t 11 hours 40 minutes
(new) Long sentences (6)
Is it a challenge? nod.gif
4juice 11 hours 47 minutes
(new) Israel [1703]
wakeup4 13 hours
xivanax 14 hours
(new) Whats for dinner? [2606]
Supper lunch dinner. Whatever you call your evening meal
banjo 14 hours
(new) Happiest [142]
Cinco de Mayo, ah, battle of Pueblo, yah bet th Mehicans are so glad they won that one. Anyway that's not it. chinC
obi_jon 16 hours
(new) Condiments. [44]
What are your favourite/least favourite condiments? Are you keen on ketchups? Or are you heavy on the hot sauce? Maybe you can't put down the pickle?
xxzeroxx 16 hours
(new) Who's next? pinned [1604]
Here's the topic to guess who will RIP next. Every year the same topics pop up when someone famous dies. Here you can guess who is next and Rip to the
birdy 1 day 5 hours
(new) Poetry. pinned [1195]
Do you like it? I'd like to hear (well, read) some, if anyone has any they like, or wrote themselves. Any kind.
f4bri0t 1 day 12 hours
(new) Frustrated (2)
With yourself

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