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mohmed62 »

* Topics:
mohmed62 November 2018
(new) Chrislam. [27]
Google it. Is it permissible for a Christian to believe in Mohammed, Quran and Muslims? Does the prophet Jesus pbuh and Bible say this?
mohmed62 April 2012
(new) Gert Wilders. [24]
Has one of the highest bills in the EU to taxpayers for his personal security. He has many Fatwas on his head. The last Dutch Politician to speak out
mohmed62 April 2012
(new) Muslim Immigration. [112]
Why dont Westerners migrate to Muslim countries and marry Muslim women and obtain Visas and be treated as equals?

* Replies:
mohmed62 April 2012
No, but 95 percent of Afghan females were illiterate and not allowed an education before the War. Would you have one of them teach your kids?
mohmed62 April 2012
@ kimjongl - 19.04.12 - 11:38pm So the deaths of those children by a muslim hating christian terrorist has
mohmed62 April 2012
@ urvoice1 - 19.04.12 - 11:27pm that's fine in the netherlands, we have enough home grown facists on both
mohmed62 April 2012
@ bozzalad - 19.04.12 - 11:24pm are those things legal in holland then?Not all of them, but '
mohmed62 April 2012
Not at all. He is lobying for banning a number of verses in the Quran from Holland, along with many Arab Cultural laws, such as the Burqa, Honour kill

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