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pieterpj »
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* Topics:
pieterpj 2015
(new) RIP PIerre korkie [74]
Islamic militants killed Pierre Korkie 06/12/2014. Islam peaceful???
pieterpj February 2014
(new) South Africa [32]
Election time in South Africa 2014.Interesting developments in politics.Will this Election be peaceful? Thank you
pieterpj October 2013
(new) TOKYO SEXWALE [11]
BreakingNews Tokyo Sexwale detained in New York
pieterpj October 2013
Solly Tyibilika another victum of senseless crimes that is taking place!When is it going to stop?

* Replies:
pieterpj 12 days
@ crail - 24.04.21 - 05:11pm Do you deny God made covid? It says in that quote from the bible that he made
pieterpj 12 days
Absolutely nothing to discuss
pieterpj 12 days
@ 0gypsy0 - 20.04.21 - 07:42pm Isaiah 45 : 7 '' I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and c
pieterpj 12 days
@ pieterpj - 24.04.21 - 03:25pm NoGypsy took charge of this forum, I'm out
pieterpj 12 days
@ kristy59 - 24.04.21 - 01:44pm Calm down everyone, lets just have a group hug grouphug

* Favourites:
n1ck 15 days
(new) Bible Scriptures pinned [1478]
Grace and peace to all who enter here! Brothers and sisters, let us post scriptures from the Bible here daily to uplift and strengthen our faith, and
geea October 2013
(new) CHRISTIAN CHAT BOX [58866]
This post is for Christians their friends, family and all interested to enjoy a chat with one another. It is NOT a debate forum.It is simply a place

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