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candiee »

* Topics:
candiee April 2012
(new) resurrection of d dead [49]
Just got a bit confused about the rising to life thing....does it happen right after you're dead or at the last day when Christ comes again? In refere
candiee March 2012
(new) soul n spirit [18]
most of us use both terms as meaning the same thing. Could anyone pls throw more light on this?
candiee March 2012
(new) Religion,Paganism,Atheism [92]
The Holy books have made us understand that there are only two forces in the universe: good(light) n evil(darkness) are either for one or the oth
candiee November 2011
(new) The concept of trinity [37]
As a christian i'v come to realise that we all have different understanding of the the 'trinity'. Plz lets share some of our views n educate one anoth

* Replies:
candiee September 2013
i hope Nigeria never gets to this point
candiee August 2013
smh grow a brain Bob. Sometimes funny isn't funny.
candiee August 2013
Hello everyone
candiee August 2013
when you have the least time to pray is when you need to prayer the most.
candiee August 2013
we all fall in and out of love, but at one point we come back to realise the reason we loved God in the first place. Maybe you should pray and ask God

* Favourites:
visitor8 August 2012
(new) What is it? [15]
This thing had its start once upon a time. Its like a game. 1st it was psychologycally profiling people then got to know who they really are. Then use
jlh1182 May 2012
(new) American Crusades [288]
The US military has recently had a number of incidents exposed that show troops were trained to hate islam in order to supress terrorism.. is it a sma

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