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tinbob »
tinbob send

* Topics:
tinbob August 2013
(new) quantum cryptography (5)
The principle is that a msg is sent as a binary string using photons from one person to another. If it is intercepted the photons show if they have be
tinbob August 2013
(new) stuxnet (3)
Ok this may be old news but. This worm was created to target primary logic controllers a specific type. Namely the ones controlling the centrifuges in

* Replies:
tinbob August 2013
Quantum computers are very interesting machines. The bulk of them seems to be the cooling apparatus
tinbob August 2013
They and Israel didn't deny it, that's all I know
tinbob August 2013
And stuxnet its now in the wild it somehow infected hundreds of thousands of windows computers. Which means that any system including governments and
tinbob June 2013
like an answering machine juice ! Except it doesn't actually answer the door, that would be great like a robotic fester plzhug tell me how suited
tinbob May 2013
flash the bios . Some old mobos have pins to clear cmos in addition to replacing battery. Turning PC on and off with these removed then reinsert..may

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