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* Topics:
coenie 2009
(new) wapmasters, pls help (5)
i have a lava script, xhtml version, what i want to know, how do one get it to work on your server? how do one create a database for the script, and h
coenie October 2005
(new) Mtn Gprs acces point (3)
Not valid! What the hell is that, i get it lots on my mtn sim! Can anyone help?
coenie September 2005
(new) voda fone uk (2)
do any users of voda get msg time out waiting on response from server? usually at some chatsites. a friend cant logon to bubblewap using vodafone, she
coenie September 2005
(new) was gala hacked? (3)
as i just logged into my email, and everything is gone!:-(
coenie September 2005
(new) uk pc users (2)
can anyone please recommend a good isp in the uk, and if possible, how much they charge.

* Replies:
coenie June 2017
kobrawap . mobi still exists
coenie January 2014
@ a2arjun - 13.04.13 - 08:34am So, do you want my si8? Address : '' .it's 100 secure...firs
coenie July 2013
I had, still have, a nokia E63, for 4 yours, still working but the screen got damaged, now using a nokia E72, didn't have problems with the 2 phones.
coenie April 2013
To copy and page, on any page press 1 and the options will show, for the fb problem, when typing into the textbox, click options and select option lon
coenie April 2013
Yes it does

* Favourites:
vicehybr May 2009
(new) Data prices in SA [62]
Was passively listening to the radio yesterday and i heard that South African Data Rates Are taking a very deep slide in terms of prices. Is this true

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