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Star VintageComputers
Disscussion on computer technology and electronics projects

Come and talk about your home made electronics or computer projects and your software you use.

Group Founder: plzgvhug
Group Type: Public join
Members: 50
Category: Technology, Internet & Wireless > General

Topics (14)
plzgvhug June 2023
Welcome (3)
Welcome to this group. Please feel free to talk about your homemade computer or electronics projects you have made. If you like you can upload a photo
plzgvhug October 2012
The Arduino (7)
Ive recently being looking at these microcontroller modules and ive decided to buy the Arduino UNO soon as it looks fantastic with all the various plu
plzgvhug April 2012
dsPIC based audio synthesizer [16]
Hello folks, its been a while since i wrote anything so i thought i would tell you what im up to... I decided to add a synthesizer to my home made Z80
plzgvhug April 2012
Raspberry Pi (4)
The Raspberry Pi is a new computer created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Its about the size of a pack of playing cards and has just been launched fo
plzgvhug November 2011
PIC Chips (6)
Ive decided to get into doing some more PIC based projects. Its been awhile since ive used one so i looked around at the data sheets for a few popular

Photos (41)


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