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Star -iloveMUSIC
people who loves music any genre are allowed here (m)

um i want to deal wid people who loves music like me(rock)but um though em a metalheadchikz um any genre are allowed to this group..What important here is you love music and um you know how to respect people wid different genre's..Sooo if your interested and be one of us join us..(m)

Group Founder: metalchi
Group Type: Public join
Members: 66
Category: Music > General

Topics (3)
metalchi November 2017
what is our genre??? [14]
um what music do you prefer to listen and why ???
astro411 August 2015
Video Hot korean babe playing Drumsets (0)
Dowloads and copy Link (8Mb) :
metalchi August 2015
about female metalheads (4)
um what do you think about female metalheads???

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