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Star socialist-alt
(SA on the wap)

hey comrade! This is a forum for socialist alternative, a revolutionary marxist party in australia, we believe in ending war, class systems, racism, h0mophobia, s*xism and capitalism. This is a forum for anybody that believes in socialist or marxist ideas and the power of the working class. Any questions or debates about marxism or socialism are more than welcome. Cheers comrade... WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE

Group Founder: comrade1
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Religion & Beliefs > General

Topics (2)
comrade1 February 2008
socialism 2007 day school (1)
hey comrades, socialist alternative is having a day school at melbourne uni next month, so make sure you come along to meet some comrades face to face
comrade1 May 2007
I.R laws (0)
good ol john howard has yet again catered to imperialistic big businesses by introducing the awa reforms that absolutely screw over the workers by sla

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