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Are you scared of spiders?

Are you scared of spiders? ... Then this is the group for you. Talk about your fears and bad experiences. Submit your pics of the spiders you have been confronted by.

Group Founder: plzgvhug
Group Type: Public join
Members: 36
Category: Picture Groups > Nature

Topics (5)
pichuntr June 2023
wrong group name? (1)
after browsing the gallery i think this group should have been named arachnaphilia (((shudddder)))
plzgvhug May 2019
Why are we scared of spiders? (8)
Yes i wonder... It must be the long hairy legs or the speed they scuttle aross the floor or even the thought of waking up and finding one on your face
plzgvhug February 2013
Argh! Spiders everywhere! (3)
In the last few months ive watched and exterminated huge armys of spiders coming into my house. Typicaly i go in a room and find 20 or more small dots
plzgvhug March 2012
truth or myth? (4)
in your lifetime you will eat 8 or 9 spiders during your sleep
plzgvhug March 2012
types of spiders (2)
what different types of spiders do you find and where have they come from?

Photos (24)


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