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Star Females
As a female wt u expect from a male

Dear ladies pl write your true feelings. U cn write any thing hears. Dont forget to mention ur county n age. I m going to hav sm research hear. U may hv guys only 4 funs, u may hate them or he must be ur partner 4 forever. What ever !!!!! So pl write abt ur dream guy to read us!!!!!! Sometimes somebody will pick u up from hear good luck gals******guys u cn reply to them****** *

Group Founder: yatee73
Group Type: Public join
Members: 42
Category: People > Girl

Topics (2)
ruth4jes September 2010
hi ladie in female world my name is eva.Have girls really sat down and think what you can do for guy that wil make them stick to you like gum.Think gi
yatee73 September 2010
wt u expecet frm a male (3)
Dear ladies pl write your true feelings. U cn write any thing hears. Dont forget to mention ur county n age. I m going to hav sm research hear. U may

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