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Star ThePuzzler
Math, logic and word puzzles

Solve puzzles of varying difficulty. Please feel free to bed your own. New puzzle, new topic please.

Group Founder: rooperi
Group Type: Public join
Members: 28
Category: Fun > Quiz

Topics (11)
k.sifat October 2010
there 2 cows at barn. 1 is standn facin east and the other1 is standin facin west. bt both r eatin frm da same pot. how?
rooperi April 2010
The Monty Ball Puzzle (7)
You are a contestant in a game show, you have successfully completed the 1st stage. Now it's time to see whether you can win the grand prize. There ar
auxano November 2009
Dis place (2)
ralph193 November 2009
in this world, there are 2 things. u are a man or a -1- if u are a man, there are 2 things. u are in the army or the civil service. in the army, ther
rooperi October 2009
Sequence 2 (1)
What is the next number in this sequence? 1 11 21 1211 11221 31221 13112211......

Polls (1)

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