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Star NigerianNation
This is where those who have Nigeria at heart come & discuss Nigerian issues:problems & solutions.Everybody is responsible for his or her own opinion here.

Everybody in this group is considered responsible & and is responsible for his or her own opinion.We are in a democratic society anyway,aren't we?

Group Founder: m.b.o
Group Type: Public join
Members: 30
Category: Countries > General

Topics (7)
kizoking January 2009
Oil crisis in NIG. (0)
Nigeria is in a jenocide because of her natural resourses(oil).what causes it ?.
adeyhemi September 2008
Our leaders:Selfles or Selfish (0)
With d look of things as a young, willing and able Nigerian Youth. I see that Nigeria is a country where its only d favoured that can survive.
bimbo22 September 2008
Nigeria cedes Bakassi (2)
As Nigeria hands over the acclaimed oil rich Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroun,many view this act the proper thing to do while others see it as a sign of
opesky September 2008
Nigeria @ 48 (0)
By october 1st our country wl b 48.Any advantage of indepedency?discuss.
tunex4u August 2008
Who can help save nigeria? (0)
Who do u feel u can appoint to re-arrange and help nigeria in ur own opinion? Well in my own view, i think we av to seek Godly opinion to rescue niger

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