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Star 2wheeledheaven
A site to bring bikers male and female out in the fresh air where we belong

This is for true bikers and biker chic's who want genuine friends and to expand ur social circle. Share rally info, good pubs or biker friendly places to visit, bike tips or problems in fact any thing u want. Its upto u lot out there. For the ladies well ur opinion counts to so get stuck in. This is not a group for power rangers or sunday morning wannabe's. Lookin forward to meeting some of u soon

Group Founder: demannu
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Your City/Region > General

Topics (2)
demannu April 2010
R u still riding (1)
Ok guys and galz so who still rides in winter? Is there good places to go or decent rally's or parties to attend? Where are u from and what do u ride.
demannu April 2010
Oh dear (1)
Not doing to well with this group am i. I will keep lookin in. Thanks for any new members and u can always bud or inbox me

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