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young hearts,fresh minds:here we talk about anythin,love 2 hw 2 go by in life!ur advices wil be lookd at with 2 eyes,so here is the group u bn waitin 4!xplor ya xpertise so we may speak same language bt different songs!yeah sure,c u then...

In this grup,am doctoring love,relationships,money & anything u wud lyk 2 hear!am not an xpert but my idea is 2 hear frm the public then put the heads 2gether 2 find vital answers of how 2 go by things whn facd with it!

Group Founder: muez
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (3)
muez March 2009
wht d u think abt dagga/weed.. (0)
Irrrre...wataguanae,hahahaha! Wel,thts in tht season,back 2 wata tinkof marryjane yeah marry jane til death does u apart,hahahaha! wel,i see no effect
muez March 2009
Why womans tick... (0)
can womens start 2 stop pushin themselves 2 far?sure,am talkina'bout our very own flowers,yes 2 b a wman doesnt mean 2 undr yo man,girl,bt ur man rmai
muez March 2009
Corhabit/wed (0)
stayn 2gether than marryn mit be very cool cos every1 in the reltionshp can ryd free,free thinkn bbe,is tht hw u think,if not then take a take on me..

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