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Star GothicSouL
Tap Into Your Qi and Reveal The Gothic Wreath Of Poetic Scribes.Feel Free.All Are Welcome.

Add your darkest works of poetic literature here.Show everyone the world through your murky works...Remember no poetry is junk...Bring it on!

Group Founder: nuqi
Group Type: Public join
Members: 25
Category: Arts & Culture > Art

Topics (97)
nuqi November 2015
Valley of Woes (2)
Don't ask me why I have become this, this heartless man!? For I have died a thousands times, Cried tears that would fill the Nile And emb
nuqi November 2015
Ye Hath Kyllen Thy Heorte (2)
Thou hath stolen something, A measure of thy own goodness, A sight to remember, like a rainbow thou beeth, Pierced with magnificence and
nuqi April 2015
Note To Self (0)
Life: Eternal Love: Mortal Endless like the darkness of the universe, Joyous like a boat float in the blue sea, Motherly embrace grips wit
nuqi August 2014
My Face (2)
My face is all they see, They stare and wonder not much, They se
nuqi August 2013
Black Sun (4)
For the long sweet silence, The misty hazy cold days... And the icy solemn waves Of endless soreness, Now is time for it's making... A

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