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Star DiGiTaL
The group is based technology most on phones

Digital is a group which i thought bringing up coz we youth have lik hav alot of unfinished business mostly on phones chat ; e.g wic 1 is da best 4n?

Group Founder: e3e
Group Type: Public join
Members: 5
Category: Technology, Internet & Wireless > Mobile Phones

Topics (6)
e3e January 2009
waht 4n has da strongest battr (1)
Phone batry is just like himan beings, it doesnt mean da tallest man runs fastest, saw wit 4n it merely depend on hw big da screen iz nd hw much u use
kelvinma January 2009
Wat bst 4ni 2 use on intnty? (1)
Wen replyin conside this,da 4ni wic is fast opening fils on internate.
e3e January 2009
Wat is da best muzik 4n? (1)
Music is sumthin wic u shudu b vry entertained wen listening 2 nd 4 dat entertainment 2 exist the sound output shudu b clear nd sweet nt just 2 loud o
e3e January 2009
Wats da best camera 4n? (1)
Wen becumz 2 camera jst any other tec things dnt consider much on wu startd manufucturing dis product rather da 1st 2 munucture being da bst its nt li
e3e January 2009
What is da best phone? (1)
Im a person who has used alot of phones and different models of those phones, so whenever u wnt 2 buy a phone consider this; never buy a phone coz yo

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