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Star BlAz3-Battl3z
A site blaze battlez where we'll give the crown 2 the dopest emcee.So if u a kat,c*m on! .If u a fan,we need judgement.hala.3NJOY!!

3MC33z will go head 2 heard proving their ability on playing wit words,justice of murdering kats and get no sentance.And lastly don't be.....

Group Founder: inductor
Group Type: Public join
Members: 23
Category: Music > Rap & HipHop

Topics (5)
inductor 2013
WhOs iN? (2)
The battles are about 2 wanna parti te on the competion? Sign in and leave your name,then i will post a topic of you and your apponent. KeE
abcnamo 2013
battles (2)
battles have changed thse days bck in the day we battled lyk man bt nw theres some mcee's who r jst lame its no longer a challenge
inductor 2013
Fr33-flo [13]
text here and if u got what it takes,you'll qualify 2 the following level till the finals.SO SPIT YO ILLEST FREE-FLOW.ever1 is alowed 2 judge.hala
inductor August 2009
Is the blaz stil blazin? (3)
Owh! d*mn ! This site is dead,can u ppl gv it oxygen
epydemik August 2009
Yeahh its ya boy back at it again! As the name suggest just drop it ill. So ill that they'll never find a cure lol! Ok emcees do ya thang. And shout o

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