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Disscussions, Support, Arguments about Lebanese issues and related topics

Fortunatey, War is over, 1500 where killed, about 5000 wounded, the diplomatic war started, Thanks 4 all who helped lebanon inrecovering from this crisis, now we lebanese need 2 start reconstructing maybe in years what israel destroyed in a month.

Group Founder: skicker
Group Type: Public join
Members: 20
Category: Countries > General

Topics (7)
skicker February 2008
Disarming Hezbollah (5)
About 2 Years passed after resolution 1559 asked for Hezbollah disarmament, and still no progress has been reached. Do u think the last war strengthen
ajriko February 2008
Ino its lebanon! (1)
No matter how hard we try 2 solve our problems..We wil not succeed...This is how it has always been..Its pure lebanon! Just temporary solutions and no
kkkkten April 2007
Maybe israel is right?! (0)
I don't have much to say, but i was in israel at the time of the war and i don't think it looked to much better then lebanon, the only different was,
skicker September 2006
Assasinations (0)
A bombardment targeted Samir Shehadeh, an internal security official in charge of the hariri's assasination file. What does this timing (After the war
skicker September 2006
Resolution 1701 (4)
What do u think of the resolution and it's implementation? Is it fair?...

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