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Star Unaditesindahouse
Strictly for unadites. Know how things re going in your school: entertainment, love life, education, and lots more

It's all about meeting old and new friends who re unadites. Let's talk about every events going on in our campus and environ. Let's wake up the love, let's be of good help. Peace can reign again. What's your idea? Let's share your idea

Group Founder: phexzy
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Business, Work, and School > School

Topics (3)
phexzy July 2009
ASUU (0)
When do you think nigeria student will overcome the barrier of strike which is the only means that ASUU uses to protest and confront the government go
phexzy April 2009
Couples life in Unad, (0)
Do you know that Unad is one of the schools that so call couples life is rampant? Yes, the rate at which opposite s*x are 'clinching' each other now i
phexzy April 2009
Unad site, rubbish! (0)
The unad website is nothing but rubbish, the vc has as*umed office since last month and on the site they still refer to him as ag vc as before. They'r

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