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Star WomanofVision
Proverbs 31.. A woman who feareth the Lord shall be praised..

Welcome Ladies!! (welcome) this is a place for us to get together and take time out to go back and explore Woman in the bible. Wat can woman today learn from them. Lets share our Wisdom with each other, and learn from each other. Any1 with A Pray need can leave it here. Thanks for being here, i appreciate ur input (thanks) do tell ur girl friends..(flower)

Group Founder: ilovejes
Group Type: Public join
Members: 20
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (4)
ilovejes August 2010
Find A soul mate u can trust f (0)
It's ur time to meet the lady/gentleman u dream abt. Let connect u. We have a database of men/woman and ur soul mate may just be a
trixy71 February 2009
Prase the lord (1)
Amen women vision must be herd bless the lord amen
ilovejes February 2009
PRAYER for all Woman.: Lord God I come to ur thrown wit boldness in Jesus mighty name. I Pray for Woman all over the world, those hurting, in abusive
ilovejes February 2009
Praying Woman in the bible.. (3)
1. Hannah.. 1 Samuel 1:10- 2:11 Elkanah had 2 wives: Hannah who was baren. Peninnah who had kids. Now Peninnah provoked Hannah severely. And, Hannah w

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