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Star Custardtunes
Want to show how talented you are? post up here any material you have created for every one to see

This is a group where you get to put up original material you made or even discuss your musical talents

Group Founder: vair
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Music > General

Topics (5)
monalia September 2009
vair (0)
vair May 2009
Monalia only (4)
Hi there, we can talk here
vair May 2009
Newbies introduction [15]
Once joined just introduce yourself and tell us how you fit into this group
vair May 2009
Game music (1)
Has anyone ever played a game but absolutely loved the music from it? Well post up your favorite game and music so everyone can see for themselves
vair May 2009
Lyrics expo (0)
Here is where you can post up lyrics you wrote or thought of but no stealing others lyrics for that isnt right! Would you like it if someone steals yo

Polls (1)

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