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We can share and solve our problems.

Keeping your problems within you is just like seeting on a timed bomb.Pliz don't use abussive language in this group

Group Founder: kische
Group Type: Public join
Members: 13
Category: Chat Groups > By Age

Topics (11)
kische February 2012
The Best age for Marriage (0)
marriage is a fool term relationship with both sides working hard to the expence of its survival and prosperity.Alot is being needed for its cheracter
kische October 2010
Becoming on heat (1)
Wht makes some women feel cold even if touched,hold,kiss&even shaked?
kische July 2010
Power black out (2)
How can u feel if she atlast give it to you and after smooching and curdling,she become red hot bt suddenly ur drouse and shrink?
kische April 2010
You have alot of problems? (1)
Jst write it down here and brose back to see the replies
assy February 2010
Taking care of kids (1)
Being a parent is a hard thing. I myself i have 2 wak so can take care of my kids

Polls (2)

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