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discusscatiom & question

how much words we can't mucg questions have no answer.Heres a forum get u everything about islam.Pls join.

Group Founder: nhu
Group Type: Public join
Members: 49
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Islam

Topics (7)
786.sami September 2010
First Islamic Wap Forum (0)
[b]Assalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters in Islam! Hope you all are Alhamdulilah. Finally, our Islamic wap forum is ready!! Y
skymobb October 2009
Haashim Amlaa : cricket= castle pay - castle logo. ?? (5)
If the cricketer mr amla support not castle by removing its logo. How about profiting from castle money? Or playing for a team sponsored by castle. Is
skymobb November 2008
Is Tattoing for men halal or haram? (6)
It's said that Allah cursed the women who tattoos herself or tattoos. So is this injuntion private or general if so support your argument
martih May 2008
Islamic religion (2)
Want to join Islamic religion.How will I go about it?
28shams March 2008
foreplay (7)
Is foreplay permitted in Islam

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