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Star myspecialblessings
a place where parents of special needs children can fellowship

special needs children are a blessing but they can also be a challenge this site is for us to talk,listen,cry and laugh. but most of all to thank the LORD for such incredible blessing7

Group Founder: acts238
Group Type: Public join
Members: 8
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (11)
acts238 April 2011
here (0)
acts238 April 2010
kennedy krieger (0)
i took my son there and they are going to help him. They chose to do two days a week intensive therapy. and they are going to do it thru the school he
acts238 November 2009
overwhelmed (0)
i want you all to know how overwhelmed i am with joy that there are people with a heart for children and adults with special needs thank you for being
acts238 November 2009
diagnosis (4)
p.d.d(pervasive devolopment disorder) tourettes,pica,behavior problems along with motion sickness but through it all hes still a gigantic blessing
acts238 November 2009
tourettes (0)
this is the latest diagnosis but i will share what i know with my son there is tics(jerking of head) and out bursts (screaming foul language)tho the f

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