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Star Musique
Music sharing

Members can share what's hot n what's not, frm the latest to the golden oldies. All ganres of music, frm pop 2 hip-hop. created by ur's truly Goofie

Group Founder: goofie
Group Type: Public join
Members: 21
Category: Music > General

Topics (2)
goofie August 2006
What's the album?? (0)
Ever heard a song u like but you dont know who sings it or which alb*m it's from??? Well we can help you with that... post your questions here n you w
goofie August 0
That song!!! (0)
You luuuv that song, but u just can't get the words right. Well stop miming n mumbling to the song instead get the lyrics n sing along, that way u won

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